TABLE17 Connectivity Map- TCPIP OutboundSettings (Continued)
Name Description
KeepAlive An indicator ofwhether the client’s SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabledor
disabled. Select true toenable SO_KEEPALIVE; otherwise, select false.
When the optionis enabled for a TCP socketand no data has been exchanged
across the socketin either direction for two hours,TCP automatically sends a
KEEPALIVE probe to thepeer (the actual value is implementationdependent).
This probe isa TCP segment to which thepeer must respond. One of three
responses is expected:
1. The peer respondswith the expected ACK. The applicationis not notied
(since everything isOK). TCP will send anotherprobe following another two
hours of inactivity.
2. The peer respondswith an RST, which tells thelocal TCP that the peer host
has crashed andrebooted. The socket is closed.
3. There is noresponse from the peer. The socketis closed. The purpose of this
option is todetect if the peer host hascrashed. This is used for theaccepted
client Socket.
Note – Forsome properties, the serversocket itself doesnot have directproperty
settings associated withit. Instead, the properties mapto the accepted client
Receive Buer Size A number indicatingthe receive buer size. This isthe value of the SO_RCVBUF
option for thecurrent socket, which is the buersize used by the operating system
for input onthis socket. It provides anestimate of the size of theunderlying
buers used bythe platform for incoming network I/O.
When used inset mode, this is a suggestionfor the kernel from the application
regarding the sizeof buers to use for thedata to be received over thesocket.
When used inget mode, this must return theactual size of the buer usedby the
platform when receivingdata on this socket.
Send Buer Size A number indicatingthe send buer size. This isthe value of the SO_SNDBUF
option for thecurrent socket, which is the buersize used by the operating system
for output onthis socket. It provides anestimate of the size of theunderlying
buers used bythe platform for outgoing network I/O.
When used inset mode, this is a suggestionfor the kernel from the application
regarding the sizeof buers to use for thedata to be sent over thesocket. When
used in getmode, this must return the actualsize of the buer used bythe
platform when sendingout data on this socket.
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 51