TCP/IP HL7 V2 Adapter Outbound Connectivity Map
The TCP/IP HL7 V2 server outbound adapter conguration properties are organized into the
following sections on the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map:
“General Outbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 49
“TCPIP Outbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 50
“TCPIP Outbound Settings - Client Connection Establishment — TCP/IP HL7 V2
Outbound Adapter” on page 53
“TCPIP Outbound Settings - Server Port Binding — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on
page 54
“HL7 Acknowledgment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 55
“Lower Layer Protocol — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 55
“Sequence Number Protocol — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 56
“HL7 MSH Segment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 57
“HL7 SFT Segment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 59
“Communication Control — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 60
“HL7 Recourse Action — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Outbound Adapter” on page 62
General Outbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7V2
Outbound Adapter
The following table lists and describes the TCP/IP HL7 V2 outbound adapter properties that
appear on the General Outbound Settings page of the Properties Editor accessed from the
Connectivity Map.
TABLE16 Connectivity Map -General Outbound Settings
Name Description
Max DataSize A number thatindicates the maximum amount of datathat the programs can
hold internally. Thevalid range is a numeric valuefrom 1 to 2147483647 bytes
(2GB), which isthe maximum value of a Javainteger.
Scope OfState The scopeof the state object, which isa Message Library node.Select one of the
following options forthis property:
Resource Adapter Level – The statehas the same life cycleas the resource
Connection Level – The statehas the same life cycleas the connection.
OTD Level – Thestate has the same lifecycle as the Message Library object.
This scope representsthe life cycle of the state.
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 49