TCPIP Inbound Settings - Client Connection
Establishment — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Inbound Adapter
The following table lists and describes the property that appears on the Client Connection
Establishment page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. This property
denes a wait time before connecting to the external system. This section is only used when the
Connection Type under TCPIP Inbound Settings is set to Client.
TABLE 30 Connectivity Map -TCPIP Inbound Settings (V3)- Client Connection Establishment
Name Description
Time toWait Before
Attempting Connection
The length oftime (in milliseconds) that the adapterwaits before attempting to
connect to theexternal system.
TCPIP Inbound Settings - Inbound Connection
Management — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Inbound Adapter
The following table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Inbound Connection
Management page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These
properties manage the connection to inbound systems. For example, these properties include
the connection pool and the life cycle of the accepted connection.
TABLE 31 Connectivity Map -TCPIP Inbound Settings (V3)- Inbound Connection Management
Name Description
Max Connection Pool
The maximum numberof concurrent connections allowed for thespecic
listener or monitorthat is listening or monitoring thespecied TCP/IP port. 0
(zero) indicates thatthere is no limit.
This value indicatesthe capability or availability of thisserver’s services. Each
connection request froma client gains one concurrent connection.This value
also indicates themaximum number of clients that canconcurrently connect to
this server’s servicesand can be served by thespecic listener or monitor at the
same time.
TCP/IPHL7V3AdapterInboundConnectivity MapProperties
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 69