TABLE 56 Environment- HL7 Outbound Adapter- Connection PoolSettings
Name Description
Steady PoolSize An integer indicating the minimum numberof resource adapter connections to
be maintained. Whenthe value is set to anumber greater than 0 (zero), the
container pre-populates theRA connection pool with the speciednumber and
tries to ensurethat there are always this manyconnections in the free pool. This
ensures that thereare enough connections in the ready-to-servestate to process
user requests.
This property doesnot necessarily guarantee that no morethan steady-pool-size
instances exist ata given time. It onlygoverns the number of instances thatare
pooled over along period of time. For example, ifan idle stateless session
container has afully-populated pool with a steady-pool-size of10 and 20
concurrent requests arrivefor the resource adapter connection component,the
container creates 10additional instances to satisfy the burstof requests. The
advantage of thisis that it prevents the containerfrom blocking any of the
incoming requests. However, ifthe activity is reduced to 10or fewer concurrent
requests, the additional10 instances are discarded.
Max PoolSize An integer indicatingthe maximum number of resource adapterconnections in
the pool. Avalue of 0 (zero) indicates thatthe pool is unbounded.
Pool IdleTimeout in
The maximum amountof time (in seconds) that aresource adapter connection
instance can remainidle in the pool. When aconnection has exceeded the
congured timeout, atimer thread removes the unused connection.This
property denes theinterval at which this thread runs.
A value greaterthan 0 (zero) indicates that thecontainer removes or destroys any
resource adapter connectioninstance that is idle at thisspecied duration. A
value of 0(zero) species that idle connections canremain in the pool
HL7 Outbound Adapter - Sequence Number Protocol
The following table lists and describes the property that appears on the Sequence Number
Protocol page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Environment. Sequence numbering
helps prevent duplication of data.
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October200996