A – Command Line Interface
Set Config Command
59097-01 A A-65
Table A-20. Set Config Switch Parameters
Parameter Description
AdminState Switch administrative state: online, offline, or
diagnostics. The default is Online.
BroadcastEnabled Broadcast. Enables (True) or disables (False)
forwarding of broadcast frames. The default is True.
InbandEnabled Inband management. Enables (True) or disables
(False) the ability to manage the switch over an ISL.
The default is True.
FDMIEnabled Fabric Device Monitoring Interface. Enables (True) or
disables (False) the monitoring of target and initiator
device information. The default is True.
FDMIEntries The number of device entries to maintain in the FDMI
database. Enter a number from 0–1000. The default
is 1000.
DefaultDomainID Default domain ID. The default is 1.
DomainIDLock Prevents (True) or allows (False) dynamic
reassignment of the domain ID. The default is False.
SymbolicName Descriptive name for the switch. The name can be up
to 32 characters excluding #, semicolon (;), and
comma (,). The default is SANbox Manager.
R_A_TOV Resource Allocation Timeout Value. The number of
milliseconds the switch waits to allow two ports to
allocate enough resources to establish a link. The
default is 10000.
E_D_TOV Error Detect Timeout Value. The number of
milliseconds a port is to wait for errors to clear. The
default is 2000.
PrincipalPriority The priority used in the FC-SW-2 principal switch
selection algorithm. 1 is high, 255 is low. The default
is 254.
ConfigDescription Switch configuration description. The configuration
description can be up to 32 characters excluding #,
semicolon (;), and comma (,). The default is
Config Default.