User guide Emulations
PR50 mode
Command sequence Function
Page Layout
ESC Q nnn mmm ESC Z Define document length
ESC J nnn Define left margin
ESC T nnn Define top of form " TOF"
ESC M nnn Define bottom of form "BOF"
ESC & nn Elementary vertical spacing
Print Pitches
ESC < Print pitch 10 cpi
ESC = Print pitch 12 cpi
ESC > Print pitch 166 cpi
ESC ? Proportional spacing
Print Attributes
ESC R nnn Select graphic font
ESC 3 Double width
ESC 4 Cancel double width
ESC d Double height and double width
ESC e Cancel double height and double width
ESC ( Bold face
ESC ) Cancel bold face
ESC * n Underline
ESC + Cancel underline
ESC ` n Superscript - Subscript
ESC { Cancel superscript-subscript
Printer Operations
ESC S 5 Select printer device
LF Line feed forward
FF Form feed (ejection from rear)
CR Carriage return
ESC 7 Line feed back
ESC H nnn Set absolute horizontal position
ESC I nnn Set relative vertical position
ESC L nnn Set absolute vertical position
ESC O Eject document