Tektronix 200 Series Printer User Manual

Novell NetWare Configuration
Network Utilities for Color Printers
Default parameters set up by quick configuration
The quickstart procedure uses the default print server and queue parameters
listed in the following two tables. If these default parameters are not
acceptable, use the Advanced ConÞguration Tool for further conÞguration
as described in the next topic, ÒAdvanced conÞgurationÓ on page 4-14.
Advanced ConÞguration Tool default print server parameters
Parameter Default value
Print server name TEKxxxxxx where xxxxxx represents the last six hex
digits of the printerÕs Ethernet address
Ethernet frame type Adaptive (printer uses the frame type of the Þrst Þle
server that responds to a broadcast from the printer)
Queue scan interval (sec) 15
ConÞguration server Automatically set during quick conÞguration
Error notiÞcation Disabled
Full name None
Print server operators SUPERVISOR or ADMIN (NetWare 4.0)
Notify list Empty
Login password None
File server(s) to service Set during quick conÞguration
Queue (s) to service Set during quick conÞguration