TCP/IP Configuration
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Controlling host access and control character Þltering
LPR (BSD systems)
By sending the appropriate PostScript Þle to the printer, you can control
which hosts can access the printer through lpr. You can also control
whether lpr will Þlter out CRTL-D characters from the Þles it sends the
printer. The printer has the following factory defaults:
■ All hosts have access to the printer.
■ No control character Þltering.
To create a PostScript Þle to control these parameters, use the script
conÞg-LPR provided on the UNIX version of the printerÕs network utilities
Make sure that the printer is connected to the network.
Run the script conÞg-LPR:
Change (cd) to the bin subdirectory in the directory where you
placed your printerÕs network utilities.
Type the name of the script, redirecting the output to a Þle:
conÞg-LPR > filename