TCP/IP Configuration
User Manual
Authorizing TCP/IP from a PC
To authorize TCP/IP from a PC, use the AUTHRIZR.EXE utility on the PC
version of your printerÕs network utilities diskettes. When using the utility,
keep in mind the following information about the user interface:
■ You can work with the AUTHRIZR.EXE utility using a mouse or
the keyboard.
■ When using the keyboard, the following conventions apply:
■ The Tab key moves the selection from one screen element to
■ If a screen element has a white letter, you can select that element by
holding the Alt key and typing the white letter.
■ If a button is highlighted, press Enter to execute that function.
■ Use the arrow keys to scroll through lists and select the item you
want. Press Enter to make your selection.
The following procedure describes how to use the AUTHRIZR.EXE utility to
authorize TCP/IP. This procedure assumes that the Þles have been copied
into a directory called PHASER on the C: drive of your PC. It also assumes
that the directory structure on the diskette has been retained (as it is when
you use the DOS XCOPY command with the /S option):
■ AUTHRIZR.EXE is in the TEK-TOOL directory
■ ADDCTRLD.BAT and CTRLD.PS are in the NET-UTIL directory.
ADDCTRLD.BAT is a batch Þle that adds a CTRL-D to the
beginning and the end of a Þle. ADDCTRLD.BAT calls the Þle
CTRLD.PS, which contains the CTRL-D character. These Þles
must reside in the same directory. You must change (CD) to the
directory containing these Þles before running