Novell NetWare Configuration
Network Utilities for Color Printers
If you configured NetWare using PCONSOLE
If you used PCONSOLE for your initial conÞguration, there will be no
conÞguration Þle. Use the Advanced ConÞguration Tool to change the print
server name or password.
Select the ConÞgure print server (Þle server) from the Advanced
conÞguration menu.
Select the Tektronix printer to be changed.
Select a Þle server that will be serviced by the printer.
Use the Print server name or Login password commands to make
the change.
If the printer will service additional Þle servers, repeat Steps 3 and
4 for each Þle server.
When you have made the change on the last Þle server, answer yes
to the prompt:
Have you made this change on all of the file
servers serviced by this printer?
The change is stored in the printerÕs memory.
If you leave out a Þle server during this procedure, you must use
PCONSOLE to make the change on that server.
Exiting the Advanced ConÞguration Tool
The Exit menu quits the Advanced ConÞguration Tool and returns you
to DOS.