26 Setting Up Print Options
Primary Tab Dialog
1) Tab Manufacturer
Select the product name of the tab paper that you use. This equipment supports following tab paper.
If you use tab papers other than those above, select [Custom]. When you select [Custom], you must specify the tab
extension manually.
2) Tab Extension
Enter the width of the tab extension. This must be set only when [Custom] is selected in the [Tab Manufacturer] box.
3) Image Shift Width
Enter the width to shift the printed image.
For example, if you want to print text on the tab extension of Letter Tab paper, create a Letter sized document and
input the text on the right side. Specify the distance the printed image is shifted in printing on tab paper.
y When creating a document for tab printing, you must place the text at the exact height to fit the tab extension.
y The margin between the shifted text and right edge of the tab extension must have at least 0.08 inches or 2.0
mm of space because any information in this margin is not printed.
4) Units
Select the unit for the Tab Extension and Image Shift option. The default unit varies depending on the regional setting
of the client computer.
For Letter Tab: Blanks USA copy Tabs (5 Banks) LT + 1/2" Tab
Blanks USA copy Tabs (8 Banks) LT + 1/2" Tab
For A4 Tab: KOKUYO A4-S (5 Banks)
King JIM A4-S (5 Banks)
Tab Text
Document Printed Image
Tab Text
Image Shift Margin
Must exactly
fit the tab extension
0.08" or 2 mm
Tab Text