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ggg: Horizontal spacing/proportional spacing
000 to 999 (in dots)
h: Type of writable character data
0: Nibble mode (4 bits/byte)
1: Hex. mode (8 bits/byte)
iii --- iii: Writable character data to be stored
* If each parameter for left offset, top offset, character width, character height, and
horizontal spacing/proportional spacing is fixed as “000”, the setting is ignored when
the writable character set is 41 to 44,
Explanation (1) Type of writable character
Up to 40 and 49 writable character sets can be stored for the memory board,
respectively. However, the maximum number of characters varies depending on
the writable character size and number of characters because of the limited
memory capacity. For writable character sets 41 to 44, each writable character
size is fixed.
(2) Character code
Up to 224 characters can be stored per character set. The maximum number of
characters is 40 sets × 224 characters = 8960 characters. It varies depending on
the writable character size and number of characters because of the limited
memory capacity. For character sets 41 to 44, a character code consisting of 1
byte is stored. However, when the character code is called up, F0H is added to
the upper digit of it, and consists of 2 bytes. In this case, up to 188 characters can
be stored per character set.
(3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 MB memory board can be used for storing a writable character.
(4) The configuration of the writable character file stored in the memory board is as
1st byte No. of dots for left offset
2nd byte (from upper to lower)
3rd byte No. of dots for top offset
4th byte (from upper to lower)
5th byte No. of dots for character height
6th byte (from upper to lower)
7th byte No. of dots for character width
8th byte (from upper to lower)
9th byte No. of dots for horizontal spacing/proportional spacing
10th byte (from upper to lower)
11th byte
Writable character data (Hex. data)
(If it is stored in the nibble mode, data is 8 bits/byte.)