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Function Sets the printer information.
Format [ESC] IG; aaa --- aaabbb --- bbb [LF] [NUL]
Term aaa --- aaa: Model name (Fixed as 20 digits)
20H to 7FH of ASCII codes
bbb --- bbb: Serial No. (Fixed as 11digits)
20H to 7FH of ASCII codes
Explanation (1) The model name and serial No. of the printer can be optionally stored. The
character codes which can be set in each item are 20H to 7FH. If any code
other than these is used, it is replaced with the space code.
(2) The printer information has already been set when shipped.
(3) The stored printer information is backed up in memory and is kept even if the
power is turned off.
(4) This stored information should be printed on test print.
Examples The following information is stored in the printer.
Model name: B-SV4D-GS10-QM
Serial No.: 2303A000001
[ESC] IG; [42H] [2DH] [53H] [56H] [34H] [44H] [2DH] [47H] [53H] [31H] [30H] [2DH] [51H] [4DH] [20H]
[20H] [20H] [20H] [20H] [20H] [32H] [33H] [30H] [33H] [41H] [30H] [30H] [30H] [30H] [30H]
[31H] [LF] [NUL]
Refer to Printer Information Request Command ([ESC] IR)