Security and Network Setup System Guide
4-12 Common Controller
• root: has super user access to the workstation. The initial
password for this account is set during installation of the
operating system and should be obtained from the Xerox
service personnel.
• xrxusr: the Xerox user name is the account from which the
Xerox software runs. Use the Xerox user password for this
account. Contact your Customer Service Representative if
this is unknown
• anonymous ftp user: an account to permit some clients to
retrieve their software from the DocuSP controller using the
TCP/IP communication protocol. This account will be set to
Read Only access to the /export/home/ftp directory. Note that
with security set to high all FTP operations are prohibited.
This account may also be removed if the remote Xerox print
client is not used.
• Pxrxsvc: the account for remote diagnostics by Xerox service
personnel. The DocuSP controller is accessed using PPP
communications via a modem. This account is only created if
remote diagnostics has been enabled.
Print command line client from remote systems
The following contains the user and client requirements when
using the Xerox print command line client from remote systems.
To allow non-root user command line clients to submit jobs to the
DocuSP controller, the Sun workstation needs two pieces of
information in its database:
• Users must be listed in the password database.
• The client workstations need to be described as trusted hosts
for the user account. This allows remote operation
commands at the DocuSP controller from a client
workstation, such as rcp, without the requirement for
supplying a password. List the names of the trusted host
machines in the /etc/hosts.equiv file, or Set the /etc/
hosts.equiv file to trust all known workstations by setting the
last line in the file to a plus sign (this is a security risk).
It is not necessary for the user to have the following on the
DocuSP controller:
• Network home directory.
• Meaningful home directory at the DocuSP controller.