Zhone Technologies IMACS-200 Server User Manual

9-2 High Speed Data Ports
Model No.
Running Head
9.2.1 HSU Port Cables
For connecting HSU Ports for DTE and DCE transmit clocking, use the PRM-1261M cables.
9.3 HSU Card User Screens and Settings
The HSU Cards permit configuration and operation through use of several user screens and
optional settings.
9.3.1 HSU Card Main Screen
You must configure the HSU ports for operation. Configuration can be performed from the
HSU Main Screen, which is shown in Figure 9-1.
Figure 9-1.HSU Main Screen
The bottom highlighted line on this screen lists several actions you can perform from the
screen. To perform an operation, simply press the uppercase letter associated with the desired
action. For example, to save your option settings, type “s”. Table 9-1 lists the actions you can
Table 9-1. HSU Card Main Screen Actions
Action Function
Save Saves changes to settings.