Zhone Technologies IMACS-200 Server User Manual

B-6 Error Messages
Model No.
Running Head
No more than two WANs in BERT test are allowed.
You can place only two WAN ports in the BERT test mode simultaneously.
No timeslot(s) specified.
You cannot activate a user port that doesn’t have any WAN time slots assigned to it.
Not implemented yet.
You cannot use a feature or function that is not yet released. This message normally appears
on software versions for beta testing.
Not supported.
This command is currently not supported by the system.
Number of TS from must be equal to TS to.
You cannot assign a time slot cross-connection with an unequal number of “from” (source)
and “to” (destination) time slots.
OK to lose changes (y/n)?
Confirm Yes or No if losing the changes entered is OK with you.
Only one port can be at 128K.
You cannot configure more than one port of the port for 128 kbps.
Parameters are not saved.
You have selected the Main command from the bottom of the screen without first saving your
changes. Press “s” to invoke the Save command first.
Parameters have been saved.
You have made changes to the port and typed “s” to invoke the Save command. (This is a
normal message, it always appears when you type “s” to save changes.)