Zhone Technologies IMACS-200 Server User Manual

13-6 OWAN Ports
Model No.
Running Head
This field reflects that status of the optical link. Possible values indicate loss of signal (los),
normal (norm)
This read-only field indicates the type of signaling employed on the optical link. possible
values are ds2 and e2.
13.4.1 Port Settings for OWAN
Figure 13-4 shows the screen displaying the four DS1 or E1 ports and their respective settings.
Figure 13-4.Typical Settings for the T1 OWAN Ports
Table 13-3. OWAN Port Setting Options and Defaults for T1
Parameter User Options Default
STATE stdby actv stdby
Format d4 esf esf
Line LB off on off
Local LB off on off
LB GEN off llb plb off
LB DET off on w/to off