Zhone Technologies IMACS-200 Server User Manual

Diagnostics 14-1
System Testing and Diagnostics Introduction
Chapter 14
System Testing and Diagnostics
14.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the IMACS-200 comprehensive set of built-in diagnostic tools that
enable the operator to remotely troubleshoot and resolve problems. Throughout the user port
chapters in this system reference guide are brief explanations of system testing and problem
solving. However this chapter was designed to provide a “full picture” of what this Integrated
Access System is capable of providing.
14.2 Integral Test Capabilities
The Integrated Access System provides diagnostics capabilities to resolve problems. There
are system-generated alarm messages described in Chapter 4. System Configuration and
Operation, the integral diagnostics capabilities of this system include Bit Error Rate Testers
(BERTs) on data ports, tone generators on analog voice ports, the ability to manipulate the
analog leads and the digital signaling bits of voice circuits.
The ability to initiate loopbacks at various points in a circuit, coupled with the ability to
generate and receive test signals and to collect performance and error information, enable the
operator to systematically troubleshoot circuit problems. It allows the operator to determine if
the problem resides in the system. Since all of these diagnostic tools can be operated from a
remote VT100 terminal, troubleshooting begins immediately without dispatching an on-site