High Speed Data Ports 9-3
Table 9-2. HSU Setting Options and Defaults
1. The valid range displayed is from 1-24 for T1, and 1-31 for E1.
The State setting determines whether the port is active or inactive. An inactive port does not
occupy time slots on a WAN link. Set State to standby (stdby) for ports you are not using or
have not yet configured. Set it to active (actv) for ports that are ready for use. The control leads
assume the status shown in Table 9-3 for the different states.
Undo Returns all settings to the last saved state.
Refresh Updates certain time-related information fields that are not automatically
updated (i.e., performance and test data).
Copy Copies the contents of the current column to the next column. Useful if you
change a lot of entries in one column and want to repeat those changes in
subsequent columns.
Test Initiates and monitors testing of all HSU Card ports. Refer to the Test section
of this chapter.
Main Returns to the System Main Screen. If changes are made to settings and not
saved, you will be prompted to save or lose changes.
Parameter User Options Notes Default
STATE stdby actv stdby
WAN wan-1 wan-2 wan-3 wan-4 owan-1 owan-2
owan-3 owan-4
MODE dce dce
TS table 1 table
RATE 64k 56k 56k
TX CLOCK int ext int
Tx CLOCK PLRTY norm inv norm
Rx CLOCK PLRTY norm inv norm
DATA PLRTY norm inv norm
CTS perm rlocal ignor local perm
CTS DELAY 0 30 60 100 0
LOCAL LB off dte net off
LB GEN MODE v.54 ft1 v.54
LB GEN off ds0 off
LB DET w/to on off w/to
EER THRHD off 10e-4 10e-5 10e-6 10e-7 10e-8 10e-9 off