Zhone Technologies IMACS-200 Server User Manual

13-8 OWAN Ports
Model No.
Running Head
Figure 13-5.Typical Settings for the E1 OWAN Ports
Table 13-4. OWAN Port Setting Options and Defaults for E1
The State setting determines whether the port is active or inactive. An inactive port does not
occupy time slots on a WAN link. Set State to standby (stdby) for ports you are not using or
have not yet configured. Set it to active (actv) for ports that are ready for use.
The frame setting determines the type of framing to be used on the individual port, either crc
or d-frm.
Parameter User Options Default
STATE stdby actv stdby
Frame crc d-frm crc
TS16 cas ccs nos cas
EVEN BIT norm inv norm
Line LB off on off
Local LB off on off