
14 Chapter 1
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
Task-Related Commands
This chapter is an introduction to MPE/iX commands and their functions, categorized by
the task they perform.
The categories of tasks identified for MPE/iX commands are:
Accessing Subsystems and Utilities.
Command Interpreter Programming Tools.
Communicating with Other Users.
Executing User Programs.
Managing Accounts, Groups, and Users.
Managing Devices.
Managing Files.
Managing Jobs and Sessions.
Managing Spooler Operations.
Managing System Resources.
Managing User/System Logging.
Managing Variables and Job Control Words.
Managing Volumes (Disk Drives).
Using Command Files and User-Defined Commands.
Using Computer Language Programs.
To use this chapter, first determine what task you want to perform, for example, create a
new account. Check the list above to find an appropriate category, which in this case would
be "Managing Accounts, Groups, and Users". Turn to that category and you will find a list
of MPE/iX commands that perform tasks related to managing accounts and a description
of the particular function for each command.