14 Chapter 1
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
Task-Related Commands
This chapter is an introduction to MPE/iX commands and their functions, categorized by
the task they perform.
The categories of tasks identified for MPE/iX commands are:
• Accessing Subsystems and Utilities.
• Command Interpreter Programming Tools.
• Communicating with Other Users.
• Executing User Programs.
• Managing Accounts, Groups, and Users.
• Managing Devices.
• Managing Files.
• Managing Jobs and Sessions.
• Managing Spooler Operations.
• Managing System Resources.
• Managing User/System Logging.
• Managing Variables and Job Control Words.
• Managing Volumes (Disk Drives).
• Using Command Files and User-Defined Commands.
• Using Computer Language Programs.
To use this chapter, first determine what task you want to perform, for example, create a
new account. Check the list above to find an appropriate category, which in this case would
be "Managing Accounts, Groups, and Users". Turn to that category and you will find a list
of MPE/iX commands that perform tasks related to managing accounts and a description
of the particular function for each command.