Chapter 5 353
Command Definitions L-O
Displays the contents of the command line history stack. You may specify the format in
which the listing appears, and whether it appears on $STDLIST or in a file. (Native Mode)
LISTREDO[ START=m] [ ;END=n] [ ;OUT=outfile] [ ;{ ABS REL UNN } ]
NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to
"Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.
START or END Specifies the range of commands to be displayed. Table 5-3 illustrates the
effect of various START or END definitions.
Table 5-3 History Stack Ranges
If m and n are negative values, they refer to relative command numbers (relative to the
most recent command, which is -1). If m and n are positive, they refer to absolute command
numbers (the order in which they were entered). To display a single line, m must equal n.
REL Displays the commands in their relative sequence (from -m to -1), where -1
denotes the most recent command in the stack.
ABS Displays the commands in their absolute order (the order in which they
were entered). ABS is the default.
Start End Effect
(omitted) (omitted) Lists all commands in the redo stack.
mn Lists commands m through n.
m (omitted) Displays commands m through the last command in the stack.
(omitted) n Displays the stack from the first command through command n.