Chapter 6 477
Command Definitions P-R
Replies to pending resource requests at the console.
REPLY pin,reply
=REPLY pin,reply
pin The process identification number (PIN) of the message sender. As part of
the message requesting the REPLY, the PIN always appears after the
second slash mark (/). In the following example, the PIN is 43.
?16:15/#S25/43/LDEV# FOR "T" ON TAPE (NUM)?
reply The reply type specified in parentheses in the message, defined by one of
the following:
(NUM) Reply must be a logical device number.
(Y/N) Reply must be either YES (or Y) or NO (or N).
(MAX CHARS.=nn``) Reply must be a string expression consisting of nn
characters or less.
Operation Notes
User programs that have requested the use of a device and are waiting for you to reply
remain suspended indefinitely and cannot be aborted until a REPLY or a
Break/ABORT is
issued. If for any reason you cannot reply as requested (for example, if the particular
device is nonexistent or a special form is unavailable), then use REPLY/=REPLY with 0 if
type NUM is requested, or with N if type Y/N is requested. This returns an error code to the
program and the REPLY/=REPLY is aborted.
The reply usually takes the form (NUM) or (Y/N), since (MAX CHARS.=nn) is used only
for labeled tapes and the PRINTOPREPLY intrinsic.
If your reply is not of the type specified, an error message is displayed.
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break
has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the logical console, unless
distributed to specific users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.
The Ctrl A =REPLY command can be used only from the physical console. It cannot be
executed from a job or a program.