Chapter 8 631
Command Definitions SP-Z
Allows a qualified user to alter, print, or delete output spool file(s). (Native Mode)
SPOOLF{ [ [ IDNAME=] { spoolid (spoolid [,spoolid] . . .) } [ ;DEV=
{ ldev devclass devname } ] [ ;PRI=outpri] [ ;COPIES= numcopies] [ ;SELEQ=
{[select-eq]^indirect_file } ] [ ;ALTER] [ ;SPSAVE] [ ;DEFER ;UNDEFER ]
[ ;SHOW] ] ] [ [ IDNAME=] { fileset (fileset [,fileset] . . .) } [ ;PRINT] [ ;DEV=
{ ldev devclass devname } ] [ ;PRI=outpri] [ ;COPIES= numcopies] [ ;SPSAVE]
[ ;DEFER ;UNDEFER ] [ ;SHOW] ] [ [ IDNAME=] { spoolid (spoolid
[,spoolid] . . .) } [ ;DELETE] [ ;SELEQ= { select-eq ^indirect_file } ] [ ;SHOW] ] }
spoolid One or more spool file IDs: #Innn for input spool files or #Onnn for output
spool files. These IDs are assigned by the spooling subsystem at spool file
creation time. The # is optional. So is the O if you are displaying output
spool files; that is, if you specify neither [#]O nor [#]I, [#]Onnn is assumed.
Do not attempt to specify a qualified file name. You must enter spoolid or
There is no default.
The symbol @ may be used to specify all spool files.
The symbol O@ may be used to specify all output spool files.
The symbol I@ may be used to specify all input spool files.
If @, O@, or I@ is specified, it must be the only value supplied. @, O@,
and I@ are mutually exclusive.
If you specify duplicate spoolids, a warning message is displayed.
If you specify multiple spool files, you must separate them by commas
and enclose the set in parentheses.
A console user or a user with SM or OP capability who specifies O@ acts on
all output spool files on the system. A user with AM capability who
specifies O@ acts on all output spool files created by users in the same
account. All other users are limited to files they have created.
fileset Specifies the set of files to be printed. You must enter either fileset or
spoolid. There is no default.
This positional parameter has this form:
You may use wildcards. Files that are not of the type SPOOL are ignored.
An error is returned for each input spool file in the fileset.