510 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
Compiles, prepares, and executes an RPG/V program in compatibility mode. RPG/V is not
part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and
must be purchased separately.
RPGGO[ textfile][,[listfile][,[masterfile][,newfile]]]
textfile The actual file designator of the input file from which source program is
read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is
RPGTEXT. Default is $STDIN.
listfile The actual file designator of the file on which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is
masterfile The actual file designator of a file which is merged against textfile to
produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal
file designator is RPGMAST. Default is that the master file is not read; input
is read from textfile, or from $STDIN, if textfile is not specified. If two files
being merged have identical line numbers, the lines from textfile or from
$STDIN overwrite those in masterfile.
newfile The actual file designator for the file produced by merging the textfile and
the masterfile. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file
designator is RPGNEW. Default is that no file is written.
NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (RPGTEXT, RPGLIST,
RPGMAST, and RPGNEW) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in
the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit
FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Operation Notes
This command compiles, prepares, and executes an RPG program. If you do not specify
textfile, MPE/iX expects the source code to be entered from your standard input device.
The USL file created during compilation is a system-defined temporary file $OLDPASS,
which is passed directly to the MPE segmenter. It cannot be accessed, since the segmenter
also uses $OLDPASS to store the prepared program segments and overwrites the USL file
of the same name.