Chapter 6 529
Command Definitions P-R
The default is -1, which currently instructs MPE/iX to assign a
system-defined constant as the value of nmstacksize.
nmheapsize The maximum size, in bytes, to which the NM heap may grow. This must
be a decimal number. If a value is specified which is less than the
system-defined minimum (including values <= 0), the system-defined
value will be used. If a value is specified which is greater than the
system-defined maximum value, the system-defined maximum value will
be used.
The default is -1, which currently instructs the command to assign a
system-defined constant as the value of nmheapsize. A + sign for this
parameter is interpreted as a zero.
G, P, or S These parameters provide an efficient way to specify the executable
libraries that may be used to load the program.
G The program's group library is searched first, then its
public account library is searched, and finally the system
library is searched to resolve the program's external
P The program's public account library is searched before
the system library is searched to resolve the program
external references.
S Only the system library is used to bind the external
references of the program. This is the default.
These parameters will result in a fail load if progfile contains a program
name which cannot be expressed using the MPE syntax.
The group and account libraries referenced by this parameter must be
named SL.group.account for compatibility mode programs and
XL.group.account for native mode programs. Group and account are the
group and account of the program, where the program resides.
If the LIB and XL parameters are missing, this parameter defaults to S.
This parameter may not be used at the same time as the XL parameter.
"library" Specifies the library or libraries to be searched, and the order in which
they are searched to resolve any external references. This parameter is
available only for native mode load operations. It may not be used at the
same time as the LIB parameter. It must be delimited by a matching pair
of quotation marks (either " or '). Compatibility mode ignores this
parameter if it is specified. In native mode, this parameter overrides LIB=
if both are specified.
If any library name in the list is not fully qualified, it will be qualified with
a name consistent with the program file being loaded. Library names,
except those in the system library, may be redirected with a file equation.
A default value for this parameter may be stored in the program file. The
default is used only if the LIB and XL parameters are both omitted.