
656 Chapter 8
Command Definitions SP-Z
SECURITY For MPE format listings, causes SHOW to display the
creator and the file access matrix for all the files which do
not have an active ACD. For files with active ACDs only,
the phrase *ACD EXISTS* is displayed.
For HFS format listing, the phrase *ACD EXISTS* or
*ACD ABSENT* is displayed, depending on whether the
file has an ACD.
PATH Forces all file listings to be in HFS format. The full HFS
pathname is displayed instead of MPE style names.
OFFLINE Sends an additional copy to the format file designator
OFFLINE, which defaults to device LP.
If a 7x24 True-Online backup is performed with the sync point at the end
of the backup, additional information will be written to the listing. This
information consists of a single character immediately following the
volume restrictions. The possible values and meanings of this character
are as follows:
^ This file has after image file label data
# This file has after image file data
+ This file was added to the backup before the 7x24 sync
- This file was removed from the backup before the 7x24
sync point
For more information on performing 7x24 True-Online backups, refer the
the Store and TurboSTORE/iX Manual (30319-90001).
ONERROR Tells STORE what to do if there is a tape write error. If you omit this
parameter, then the default option is REDO. ONERR is a synonym for
QUIT Tells STORE to abort after a tape write error.
REDO Tells STORE to perform error recovery on the tape write
error. First the tape is rewound, and a bad record is
written to the beginning of the tape. The tape is then
unloaded, and a new tape is requested. STORE then
continues rewriting the files that were on the damaged
moddate or accdate Instructs STORE to store only selected files. A moddate value (indicated by
>=, equal to or greater than) limits the STORE to those files that were
modified on or after a particular date.
An accdate value (indicated by <=, less than or equal to) limits the STORE to
those files that were accessed on or before a particular date.
The date is expressed in the form mm/dd/yy[yy]. The year may be
expressed in two or four digits (for example, 87 or 1987).