472 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
Removes security provisions from a file. Security does not resume for a released file until
you enter the SECURE command for the file.
RELEASE filereference
filereference Specifies the actual file designator of the file whose file access matrix
access control you want to disable. The filereference can be either in MPE
or HFS syntax.
MPE Syntax
If the filereference does not begin with a dot or a slash, it is parsed
according to the MPE syntax and has the form:
If the file has a lockword, you must specify it; otherwise, the system
prompts you for it. If you do not specify groupname.acctname, the system
assumes the logon group and account.
HFS Syntax
If the filename begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), it is parsed according to
HFS syntax.
Operation Notes
• Usage
You can use this command only for permanent disk files you have created. Under
default system security provisions, the file must be in your logon account and must
belong to your logon or home group.
• Checking the file status
You can enter the LISTFILE command to determine if a file is currently released or
secured. Refer to the LISTFILE command for more information.
• Access control definition
An access control definition (ACD) overrides file access controls whether or not you have
released or secured the file.
For more information about ACDs, refer to the ALTSEC command in this manual.
• Unaffected access controls
This command does not affect the following access controls: