432 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
The PLISTF UDC executes the LISTFILE command to list descriptions of one or more disk
System-defined UDCs are not automatically available. Your System Manager must use the
SETCATALOG command to make these UDCs available for your use. For example:
PLISTF[ fileset][,format_opt][;outfile]
The following parameters are supported with the PLISTF UDC. Refer to the LISTFILE
command for a complete explanation of the parameters used with the PLISTF UDC.
fileset Specifies a set of files to be listed, including MPE and HFS files. If fileset is
not specified, the default is @.
format_opt An output format option. If this parameter is omitted, the default is
FORMAT=0, which shows only the file names. The format option must be
specified as a numeric value. Format names (for example, QUALIFY) are
not supported by this UDC. Refer to the LISTFILE command for a
complete description of each available format option.
outfile The name of the output file. If this parameter is omitted, the output is
displayed to $STDLIST. The outfile supports both MPE and HFS syntax.
The outfile cannot be $NEWPASS.
Operation Notes
The PLISTF UDC lists descriptions of one or more disk files at the level of detail you select.
The UDC executes the following form of the LISTFILE command:
LISTFILE fileset ,format_opt[>outfile]
This UDC may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in break mode. Pressing Break
aborts execution.
If a permanent file exists with the same name as specified as outfile, then CIOR defaults
are used rather than the PLISTF CCTL default.
Refer to the LISTFILE command earlier in this chapter for examples.