Chapter 6 465
Command Definitions P-R
Allows the user to edit and reexecute any command still retained in the command line
history stack. (Native Mode)
REDO[ [ CMD=] cmdid] [ [ ;EDIT=] editstring]
NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to
"Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.
cmdid Specifies the command to execute. The command may be specified by its
relative or absolute order in the command line history stack, or by name
(as a string). The default is -1, the most recent command.
The following Table 6-2 illustrates the result of using various forms of the
cmdid parameter.
Table 6-2 Re-execute Directives for the REDO Command
MPE/iX detects an error if you specify a cmdid that cannot be found in the history stack.
editstring A string specifying the first (of one or more) edit(s) to be performed on
cmdid before it is displayed on the standard listing device ($STDLIST).
When the (edited) command line is displayed, you may edit the line
interactively. REDO displays the command line and accepts further edits
repeatedly, until you signal completion by entering a
Return only. At this
point, the CI executes the edited version of the command.
If you omit editstring, then you are given the opportunity to edit the
command line interactively, after which the command is reexecuted.
If you specify editstring, it must appear, character for character, and space
for space, exactly as it would if you were using the REDO command in
interactive mode.
cmdid Executes
(omitted) Previous command (same as REDO -1).
-n The nth command before the most recent one. The n
represents a number in the command line stack relative
to the most recent command, which is -1.
m Command number m in the command line stack. The
number m is absolute (not relative).
string The most recent command beginning with string.