438 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
LMAP Request to produce a descriptive listing of the allocated (loaded) program
to a file whose formal file designator is LOADLIST. If no FILE command
referencing LOADLIST is found, the listing is produced on $STDLIST.
Default is no listing.
ZERODB Request to initialize to zero the initially defined user-managed (DL-DB)
area and uninitialized portions of the DB-Q (initial) area. Default is that
these areas are not affected.
segsize Maximum permitted stack area (Z-DL) in words. This parameter should be
included when you expect that the size of DL-DB or Z-DB areas will be
changed during program preparation or execution. Regardless of what you
specify, MPE/iX may change the segsize to accommodate table overflow
If you prepare your program with a segsize less than the configured
minimum, the value is rounded up to the minimum or the amount needed
by the program (as calculated by the MPE segmenter). The maximum
actual segsize permitted a program is 31,232 words. You may prepare your
program with a segsize larger than necessary so long as this maximum is
not exceeded. If the specified segsize does exceed the maximum, it will be
rounded down to 31,232 words.
parameternum An integer containing a parameter to be passed to the new program
(accessed through Q-4 of the outer block).
stacksize Size of local data area, Z-Q (initial), in the stack, in words. If it is specified,
this value must be between 511 and 32,767 words. The default is
estimated by the MPE segmenter.
dlsize DL-DB area to be initially assigned to stack. Due to system logging
considerations, the DL-DB area is always rounded upward, so that the
distance from the beginning of the stack data segment to the DB-address
is a multiple of 128 words. The value you specify must be between -1 and
32,767 words. The default is estimated by the MPE segmenter.
G, P, or S Searches the segmented procedure libraries of the program file's group
and account. The G option searches the group library, the account library,
and then the system library. The P option searches the account library
then the system library. The S option searches the system library for
external references to segmented procedures. Default is S.
capabilitylist Capability class attributes associated with the program, specified in
two-character mnemonics. If more than one mnemonic is specified, each
must be separated from its neighbor by a comma. The mnemonics are:
IA = Interactive Access
BA = Local Batch Access
PH = Process Handling
DS = Extra Data Segments
MR = Multiple RINs
PM = Privileged Mode
You can specify only those attributes that you possess through assignment
by the account manager or the system manager. Default is IA and BA.