56 Chapter 2
Command Definitions A-B
In order to change the GID of a file, you must be one of the following:
• The file owner (your logon name matches the UID of the file). In this case,
POSIXgroupname must specify your logon account.
• The file's account manager (your logon account matches the GID of the file and you
have the MPE/iX account manager (AM) capability). In this case, POSIXgroupname must
specify the account manager's logon account.
• A system manager (you have MPE/iX system manager (SM) capability). In this case,
POSIXgroupname may specify any GID existing in the group database.
You may issue the command once to modify multiple attributes. If you specify multiple
attributes, all modifications must succeed for any to take effect. If you enter no attributes,
the command has no effect on the specified file.
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