Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website 99 Retired Channels
The Retired Channels page displays channels available to your organization that have reached their
end-of-life dates. These channels do not receive updates. All Channels
The All Channels page can be retrieved by clicking All below Software Channels in the left nav-
igation bar. It works identically to the Relevant button with one exception; It displays all software
channels offered by Red Hat Network, regardless of whether you have systems associated with them. Software Channel Details
If you click on the name of a channel, the Software Channel Details page will appear. This page is
broken down into the following tabs: Software Channel Details
General information about the channel and the parent channel, if it is a child channel. This is the first
tab you see when you click on a channel. It displays essential information about the channel, such as
summary, description, and architecture.
— In addition, a Globally Subscribable checkbox can be seen by Organization Administrators
and Channel Administrators. This signifies the default behavior of every channel allowing any user
to subscribe systems to it. Unchecking this box and clicking Update causes the appearance of a Sub-
scribers tab, which may then be used to grant certain users subscription permissions to the channel.
Organization Administrators and Channel Administrators can always subscribe systems to any chan-
— Only customers with custom base channels may change their systems’ base channel assign-
ment. They may do this through the website in two ways:
• The customer has its own base channel and it is assigning the system to that new base channel.
• The customer has its own base channel and, having assigned a system to this base channel, it
subsequently reverts the system to its original distribution-based base channel. Software Channel Details Subscribers —
List of users who have subscription permissions to the channel. This tab appears on two conditions:
First, the logged in user must be an Organization Administrator or a Channel Administrator. Sec-
ond, the Globally Subscribable checkbox on the Details tab must be unchecked, thereby making the
channel subscribable by user. On this tab, select the checkboxes of the users to be allowed to sub-
scribe systems to this channel and click Update. Note that Organization Administrators and Channel
Administrators automatically have subscription access to all channels. Software Channel Details
Managers —
List of users who have permission to manage the channel. This tab is applicable only to RHN Proxy
Server and RHN Satellite Server customers with custom channel management privileges. It works
much like the Subscribers tab but is available only for channels owned by the organization. There is
no Globally Managable flag like there is for subscription. Being checked in the Managers tab for a