
166 Appendix C. Probes
collects the following metric:
Remote Service Latency — The time it takes in seconds for the POP server to answer a connection
The required Expect value is the string to be matched against after a successful connection is made
to the POP server. The probe will look for the string in the first line of the response from the system.
The default is +OK. If the expected string is not found, the probe will return a CRITICAL state.
Field Value
Port* 110
Expect* +OK
Timeout* 10
Critical Maximum Remote Service Latency
Warning Maximum Remote Service Latency
Table C-42. Network Services::POP Mail settings
C.8.7. Network Services::Remote Ping
The Network Services::Remote Ping probe determines if the monitored system can ping a specified
IP address. It will also monitor the packet loss and compare the round trip average against the Warning
and Critical threshold levels. The required Packets to send value allows you to control how many
ICMP ECHO packets are sent to the address. This probe collects the following metrics:
Round-Trip Average — The time it takes in milliseconds for the ICMP ECHO packet to go to and
from the IP address.
Packet Loss — The percent of data lost in transit.
The IP Address field identifies the precise address to be pinged. Unlike a similar field in the standard
Ping probe that is optional, this field is required because the monitored system will be conducting the
ping, rather than the RHN Server. Leaving this field blank within the standard Ping probe tells RHN
to ping the primary address of the monitored system. Since the Remote Ping probe tests connectivity
from the monitored system itself, another IP address must be specified. To conduct pings from the
RHN Server to a system or IP address, use the standard Ping probe instead. Refer to Section C.8.5
Network Services::Ping.
Requirements — The Red Hat Network Monitoring Daemon (rhnmd) must be running on the moni-
tored system to execute this probe.
Field Value
IP Address*
Packets to send* 20
Timeout* 10
Critical Maximum Round-Trip Average
Warning Maximum Round-Trip Average
Critical Maximum Packet Loss