
Chapter 6.
Red Hat Network Website
You can use the Red Hat Network website to manage multiple Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems
simultaneously, including viewing Errata Alerts, applying Errata Updates, and installing packages.
This chapter seeks to identify all of categories, pages, and tabs within the website and explain how to
use them.
6.1. Navigation
The top navigation bar is divided into tabs of primary categories containing pages linked from the
left navigation bar.
6.1.1. Entitlement Views
Keep in mind, since this guide covers all entitlement levels, some tabs, pages, and even whole cate-
gories described here may not be visible to you. For this reason, icons are used here to identify which
functions are available to each entitlement level.
Icon Entitlement
Management or higher
Table 6-1. Entitlement Icons
If no icon follows a category, page, or tab label within this chapter, the area described is available to
all Red Hat Network users. If an icon does follow, the associated entitlement is needed. Remember
that Provisioning inherits all of the functions of Management.
If an icon precedes a paragraph, only the specific portion of the page or tab discussed afterward
required the indicated entitlement level. When a page or tab is associated with a particular entitlement
level, all of its tabs and subtabs require at least the same entitlement level but may need a higher
entitlement. Regardless, each tab is identified separately.
6.1.2. Categories and Pages
This section summarizes all of the categories and primary pages (those linked from the top and left
navigation bars) within the RHN website. It does not list the many subpages, tabs and subtabs acces-
sible from the left navigation bar and individual pages. Each area of the website is explained in detail
later in this chapter:
Your RHN — View and manage your primary account information and obtain help.
Your RHN Obtain a quick overview of your account. It notifies you if your systems need
attention, provides a quick link to go directly to them, and displays the most recent Errata Alerts
for your account.
Your Account — Update your personal profile and addresses.