Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website 87
• base software channels — registration fails
• entitlements — registration fails
• enable config flag — configuration management is set
Also remember, using a system-specific re-activation key along with a normal activation key will fail.
You’re now ready to use multiple activation keys at once. This is done with comma separation at the
command line with rhnreg_ks or in a kickstart profile within the Post tab of the Kickstart Details
page. Refer to Section 2.5 Registering with Activation Keys and Section Creating Kickstarts,
relatively, for instructions.
6.4.8. Stored Profiles —
RHN Provisioning customers can create package profiles through the Profiles subtab of the Packages
tab within the System Details page. Those profiles end up here, on the Stored Profiles page, where
they may be edited and even deleted.
Toedit a profile, click its name in the list, alter its name and description, and click the Update Profile.
Toview software associated with the profile, click the Packages subtab. To remove the profile entirely,
click delete stored profile at the upper-right corner of the page.
6.4.9. Custom System Info —
RHN Provisioning customers may include completely customizable information about systems. Un-
like notes, the information here is more formal and can be used in searches. For instance, you may
decide to identify an asset tag for each system. To do this, you must create an asset key within the
Custom System Info page.
Click create new key at the upper-right corner of the page. Enter a descriptive label and description,
such as Asset and Precise location of each system, and click the Create Key. The
key will then show up in the custom info keys list.
Once the key exists, you may assign a value to it through the Custom Info tab of the System Details
page. Refer to Section System Details
Details Custom Info — for instructions.
6.4.10. Kickstart —
To satisfy the provisioning needs of customers, RHN provides this interface for developing kickstart
profiles that can be used to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on either new or already-registered sys-
tems. This enables systems to be installed to particular specifications automatically.
If your systems are connected to the central RHN Servers, you will need an external installation
tree for each distribution to be kickstarted. This tree can be hosted anywhere that is accessible by
the target system via HTTP. If the systems are connected through an RHN Proxy Server, then you
may place the installation tree in /var/www/html/pub/ on the Proxy. RHN Satellite Servers already
have a tree for each Red Hat distribution and therefore do not require separate trees. Even if the
system connects through an RHN Proxy Server to get to the Satellite, these trees will be available
for kickstart. Refer to Section Kickstart
Distributions — for instructions on setting up
installation trees.