Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website 81 System Set Manager
Channels —
Options to manage channel associations through the following subtabs: System Set Manager
Channels Channel Subscriptions —
To subscribe or unsubscribe the selected systems in any of the channels, toggle the appropriate radio
buttons and click the Alter Subscriptions button. Keep in mind, subscribing to channels uses up
channel entitlements, and if not enough channel entitlements are available, not all systems will get an
entitlement. Similarly, systems will be subscribed to a child channel only if they are subscribed to the
base channel that is the parent of the child channel in question. System Set Manager
Channels Config Channels —
Like the options within the System Details Channels Configuration tab, the subtabs here
can be used to subscribe the selected systems to configuration channels and deploy and compare
the configuration files on the systems. The channels are created in the Manage Config Channels
interface within the Channels category. Refer to Section 6.6.6 Manage Config Channels — for
channel creation instructions.
To manage the configuration of a system, it must have the latest rhncfg* packages installed and
the configfiles/ directory and associated files created on it. Refer to Section Preparing
Systems for Config Management for instructions. Command line tools also exist for many of these
functions. Refer to Appendix A Command Line Config Management Tools for instructions. System Set Manager
Channels Config Channels Subscriptions —
On this subtab, available only to Configuration Administrators and Organization Administrators, enter
numbers in the Rank column to establish the order in which channels are used, lowest first. Channels
not assigned a numeric value will not be associated with the systems. Your local configuration channel
will always override all other channels. Once you’ve established the rank of the config channels, you
must decide how they should be applied to the selected systems.
The three buttons below the channels reflect your options. Clicking Add with Highest Rank places
all the ranked channels before any channels already subscribed to by the systems. Clicking Add with
Lowest Rank places the ranked channels after channels subscribed to by the systems. Clicking Re-
place Existing Config Channels removes any existing association and starts cleanly with the ranked
channels, leaving every system with the same config channels in the same order.
In the first two cases, if any of the newly ranked config channels is already in a system’s existing con-
fig channel list, the duplicate channel is removed and re-added according to the new rank, effectively
reordering the system’s existing channels. When such conflicts exist, you’re presented with a confir-
mation page to ensure the intended action is correct. When the change has taken place, a message
appears at the top of the page indicating the update was successful. System Set Manager
Channels Config Channels Deploy —
Use this subtab to distribute configuration files from your central repository on RHN to the selected
systems at once. The table lists the configuration files associated with any of the selected systems.
Clicking its system count displays the systems already subscribed to the file.
To subscribe the selected systems to the available configuration files, select the checkbox for each
desired file. When done, click Deploy Configuration and schedule the action. Note that the files
deployed are of the latest version at the time of scheduling and do not account for versions that may
appear before the action takes place.