10 Chapter 2. Red Hat Update Agent
If your username is part of a larger organizational account, you should take caution when regis-
tering your systems. By default, all systems registered with the Red Hat Update Agent end up in
the Ungrouped section of systems visible only to Organization Administrators. To ensure you retain
management of these systems, Red Hat recommends your organization create an activation key as-
sociated with a specific system group and grant you permissions to that group. You may then register
your systems using that activation key and find those System Profiles within RHN immediately. Refer
to Section 2.5 Registering with Activation Keys for instructions.
After installing the Red Hat GPG key, the screen in Figure 2-3 will appear. It appears every time you
start the Red Hat Update Agent. Click Forward to continue.
Figure 2-3. Welcome Screen
After clicking through the Welcome Screen, the Red Hat Privacy Statement appears. (See Figure 2-
4). Red Hat is committed to protecting your privacy. The information gathered during the Red Hat
Network registration process is used to create a System Profile, which is essential to receiving update
notifications about your system. When satisfied, click Forward.