
Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website 117
The Probe Status page contains tabs for each of the possible states, as well as one that lists all
probes. The tables are identical in that each contains columns indicating probe state, the system being
monitored, the probes used, and the date and time the status was last updated.
In these tables, clicking the name of the system takes you to the Probes tab of the System Details
page. Clicking the name of the probe takes you to its Current State page. From there, you may edit
the probe, delete it, and generate reports based upon its results. Probe Status
Critical —
The probes that have crossed their CRITICAL thresholds or reached a critical status by some other
means. For instance, some probes go critical (rather than unknown) when exceeding their timeout
period. Probe Status
Warning —
The probes that have crossed their WARNING thresholds. Probe Status Unknown —
The probes that cannot collect the metrics needed to determine probe state. Most but not all probes
enter an unknown state when exceeding their timeout period. This may mean that the timeout should
be raised, or the connection cannot be established to the monitored system.
It is also possible the probes’ configuration parameters are not correct and their data cannot be found.
Finally, this state may indicate a software error has occurred. Probe Status
Pending —
The probes whose data have not been received by RHN. This state is expected for a probe that has just
been scheduled but hasnot yet run. Ifall probes go into a pending state, your monitoring infrastructure
may be failing. Probe Status OK —
The probes that have run successfully without exception. This is the state desired for all probes. Probe Status All —
All probes scheduled on systems in your account, listed in alphabetical order by the name of system. Current State —
Identifies the selected probe’s status and when it last ran, while providing the ability to generate a
report on the probe. Although this page is integral to monitoring, it is found under the Probes tab
within the System Details page since its configuration is specific to the system being monitored.
To view a report of the probe’s results, choose a relevant duration using the date fields and decide
whether you would like to see metric data, the state change history or both. To obtain metric data,
select the metric(s) you would like to be reported upon, and decide (using the checkboxes) whether