184 Glossary
Child Channel
A child channel is a Channel associated with a Base Channel but contains extra packages.
Client System
See Registered System .
Digital Certificate
A client component in XML format that is stored in the /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid file
on registered systems. Red Hat Network verifies this certificate to authenticate the registered
system before each connection. This certificate is issued by Red Hat and passed to the system
as part of the registration process. It includes unique information about the registered system to
avoid fraudulent use.
Email Notification
Similar to an Errata Alert , except the information is delivered via email. If the email notifi-
cations option is selected, notifications are sent for every Red Hat Network Errata Alert . The
email includes the type of Errata Alert, summary of the Errata, description of the Errata, and a
list of which systems are affected by the report.
Enhancement Alert
An Errata Alert that pertains to a package enhancement request.
Entitled Server
A server that is subscribed to an RHN service level. Because the server is entitled, the RHN
website can be used to manage its packages.
Information published by Red Hat describing security fixes, bug fixes, and package enhance-
ments for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The information includes the topics of the Errata, Bugzilla
bug IDs, relevant releases/architectures, solutions including required RPMs, and MD5 check-
sums for verification. Errata are also available at http://www.redhat.com/errata/. Each RHN Er-
rata Alert is based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Errata List.
Security issues and bug fixes are submitted byRed Hat engineers as well asthe Linux community
through Bugzilla which generates a bug report for each issue. Red Hat engineering evaluates the
reports, resolves the bug, and generates new RPM packages. After the Red Hat quality assurance