
Chapter 2. Red Hat Update Agent 23
Figure 2-19. List of Available Updates
By default, no packages are selected for download. To select a package for download (and installation,
if you chose that option), click its checkbox. To select all the packages listed, click the checkbox next
to Select all packages.
After choosing which packages to update, the Red Hat Update Agent tests for RPM dependencies
and prompts you if you have chosen to omit packages that are required for software updates that you
did choose. The dialog box in Figure 2-20 is shown while it is testing for dependencies. This process
might take some time depending upon how many packages are updating.
Figure 2-20. Testing Packages
After testing is complete, package retrieval begins. The progress of each package retrieval is shown in
Figure 2-21. When they have all been retrieved, the message All finished is displayed at the bottom
of the screen. Click Forward to continue.