164 Appendix C. Probes
This probe supports authentication. Provide a username and password in the appropriate fields to use
this feature.The optional Expect value is the string to bematched against after a successful connection
is made to the FTP server. If the expected string is not found, the probe will return a CRITICAL state.
Field Value
Expect FTP
FTP Port* 21
Timeout* 10
Critical Maximum Remote Service Latency
Warning Maximum Remote Service Latency
Table C-38. Network Services::FTP settings
C.8.3. Network Services::IMAP Mail
The Network Services::IMAP Mail probe determines if it can connect to the IMAP 4 service on the
system. Specifying an optional port will override the default port 143. It collects the following metric:
• Remote Service Latency — Thetime it takes in seconds for theIMAP server toanswer a connection
The required Expect value is the string to be matched against after a successful connection is made to
the IMAP server. If the expected string is not found, the probe will return a CRITICAL state.
Field Value
IMAP Port* 143
Expect* OK
Timeout* 5
Critical Maximum Remote Service Latency
Warning Maximum Remote Service Latency
Table C-39. Network Services::IMAP Mail settings
C.8.4. Network Services::Mail Transfer (SMTP)
The Network Services::Mail Transfer (SMTP) probe determines if it can connect to the SMTP port
on the system. Specifying an optional port number will override the default port 25. It collects the
following metric:
• Remote Service Latency — Thetime it takes in secondsfor the SMTPserver to answera connection