Chapter 4. Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool 41
If you see the icon, it is highly recommended that you apply the updates. Refer to Section 4.4
Applying Updates for information on applying updates.
If youhave scheduled updates to beinstalled, you can watch the applet icon todetermine when updates
are applied. The icon changes to the
icon after the Errata Updates are applied.
If you apply a kernel update (or the kernel update is automatically applied), the applet will display the
until the system is rebooted with the new kernel. If you click on the applet, the Available Updates
tab displays a list of packages that can be updated on your system.
4.3. Viewing Updates
Clicking on the Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool displays a list of available updates. To
alter your list of excluded packages, click the Ignored Packages tab and make your modifications.
Figure 4-3. Available Updates
4.4. Applying Updates
If the system is registered with RHN and entitled to a service offering, you can apply the Errata
Updates with the Red Hat Update Agent. To launch the Red Hat Update Agent, click on the applet,
and then click on the Launch up2date button. You can also right-click on the icon and select Launch
up2date. For more information on the Red Hat Update Agent, refer to Chapter 2 Red Hat Update
4.5. Launching the RHN Website
The simplest way to obtain a comprehensive view of your system’s status is to access the RHN web-
site. This can be accomplished through the Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool by right-
clicking on it and selecting RHN Website. For moreinformation on the RHN website, refer to Section
6.1 Navigation.