Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website 85
Changing a system’s entitlement is an irreversible action. You may be unable to change the entitle-
ment levels of some systems. For more information, refer to the RHN entitlement policy linked from
the System Entitlements page.
In addition, you may entitle all newly registered systems to the Management service level at once
by clicking the Auto-Entitle Newest Servers Now link at the bottom of the page. To use this link,
which appears only when new, unentitled systems exist, first make sure you have enough Management
entitlements available. If you need to purchase additional entitlements, click the Buy more system
entitlements now link at the top of the page. After auto-entitling, a message appears at the top of the
System Entitlements page indicating the number of systems successfully entitled to the Management
service level.
When an entitlement expires, the last system entitled to the same service level (such as Management)
will be unentitled. For instance, if you have 10 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS systems entitled to
Management and either one of the RHN entitlements or one of the operating system subscriptions
expire, the last system subscribed or entitled will have their subscription or entitlement removed.
6.4.6. Advanced Search —
The System Search page allows you to search through your systems according to specific criteria.
These criteria include custom system information, system details, hardware, devices, interface, net-
working, packages, and location. The activity selections (Days Since Last Checkin, for instance) can
be especially useful in finding and removing outdated System Profiles. Type the keyword, select the
criterion to search by, use the radio buttons to identify whether you wish to query all systems or only
those loaded in the System Set Manager, and click the Search button. Yo may also select the Invert
Result checkbox to list those systems that do not match the criteria selected.
The results appear at the bottom of the page. For details about using the resulting system list, refer to
Section 6.4.2 Systems.
6.4.7. Activation Keys —
RHN Management and Provisioning customers with the Activation Key Administrator role (including
Organization Administrators) can generate activation keys through the RHN website. These keys can
then be used to register a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system, entitle the system to an RHN service level
and subscribe the system to specific channels and system groups through the command line utility
rhnreg_ks. Refer to Section 2.5 Registering with Activation Keys for instructions on use.
System-specific activation keys createdthrough the Reactivation subtab ofthe System Detailspage
do not show up in this list because they are not reusable across systems. Managing Activation Keys
To generate an activation key:
1. Select Systems => Activation Keys from the top and left navigation bars.