
Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Website 63
6.3.2. Your Preferences
The Your Preferences page allows you to configure Red Hat Network options, including:
Email Notifications — Determine whether you want to receive email every time an Errata Alert is
applicable to one or more systems in your RHN account.
This setting also enables Management and Provisioning customers to receive a daily summary
of system events. These include actions affecting packages, such as scheduled Errata Updates,
and system reboots or failures to check in. In addition to selecting this checkbox, you must identify
each system to be included in this summary email. (By default, all Management and Provisioning
systems are included in the summary.) This can be done either through the System Details page
individually or through the System Set Manager interface for multiple systems at once. Note that
RHN will send these summaries only to verified email addresses. To disable all messages, simply
deselect this checkbox.
RHN ListPage Size — Maximumnumber of items that willappear in alist on asingle page. Ifmore
items are in the list, clicking the Next button will display the next group of items. This preference
applies to system lists, Errata lists, package lists, and so on.
Time Zone — Set your time zone so that scheduled actions are scheduled according to the time in
your time zone.
Red Hat Contact Options — Identify what ways (email, phone, fax, or mail) Red Hat may contact
After making changes to any of these options, click the Save Preferences button on the bottom right-
hand corner.
6.3.3. Purchase History
The Purchase History page displays a list of your RHN purchases, including the dates bought and
expired and the number purchased.
6.3.4. Help
The Help pages provide access to the full suite of documentation and support available to RHN users.
Click Help in the Your RHN category to see a list of options available to you. Help Desk
The Help Desk page summarizes the help options available within this section. Click either the links
within this page or the buttons on the left navigation bar to explore further. Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide page contains a brief overview of Red Hat Network and its many features. If
you are unfamiliar with RHN, it is recommended you read this guide in its entirety. Topics covered
include registering your systems, applying Errata Updates, using one-click updates, and troubleshoot-