Network Layer Addresses
ISDN An ISDN address is a phone number provided by your
telecommunications carrier. It can include a dial prefix, country
code, area code, and phone number. It can consist of a maximum
of 30 characters. If you create a subaddress, you must separate the
phone number and the subaddress with a semicolon (;). The
subaddress can be composed of a maximum of 20 characters.
The following is an example of a valid ISDN address, including
a subaddress:
For complete information on ISDN addresses, refer to Using
NETBuilder Family Software.
AppleTalk Consists of the network number and node ID. Each AppleTalk node
address is unique throughout the AppleTalk Internet. For details on
assigning an AppleTalk address, refer to Reference for NETBuilder
Family Software. The following is an example of an AppleTalk
DECnet Consists of an area address and a node address. The area number
identifies the area to which the router belongs. Enter an area
number between 1 and 63. The node number assigned to the router
must be unique within the area. Enter a node number between 1
and 1,023. For details on assigning a DECnet address, refer to
Reference for NETBuilder Family Software. The following is an
example of a DECnet address:
Internet Also known as an IP address. It consists of up to 12 decimal digits
arranged in four three-digit fields separated by periods, as shown in
the following format:
Leading zeros can be omitted. For example, the following addresses
are the same:
An Internet address is required for:
■ A bridge/router port to perform IP routing
■ The bridge/router to be accessed via Telnet
■ The bridge/router to respond to the PING command from
another host
■ The bridge/router to participate in SNMP-based network
An address includes both a network number and a host number. The
actual format of these numbers varies depending on the class of
address being designated. Address class is determined by the value
in the first octet of the address.
Table 6-4 shows valid address classes, the range of the first address
field, and the resulting address format. The maximum value for any
single field is 255.