7 Enter 2 and set the Primary Config File Source to Boot Device.
You will be prompted for the Default directory for your configuration files.
8 Enter Q to return to the Primary Boot Source menu.
9 Select the Boot Protocol option, and set the Primary Boot Protocol to TFTP.
You are then prompted to set the TFTP Address Discovery Protocol.
10 Enter Q to return to the Primary Boot Source menu.
11 Select the IP Addresses option, and enter the primary IP addresses assigned to
your client, boot server, gateway, remote file server, and subnet mask.
12 Enter Q twice to return to the Primary Boot Source menu.
13 Select the FTP Login option, and enter the username and password to be used
by FTP.
The password is not displayed on the console when you type it.
14 Exit the SysconF menu system by typing Q repeatedly.
15 Reboot the system by simultaneously pressing both Reset buttons on the front
panel, or by typing RS at the monitor prompt.
More Boot Options Table A-1 summarizes other parameters you may need to configure, including
parameters you need to boot from a TFTP server over a token ring port, HSS port
using PPP, or multiport Ethernet module.
Table A-1 Additional TFTP Primary Boot Source Parameters
Parameter Configuration
Boot Device:
Interface Number
You are prompted with this field only if an Ethernet 2-Port or Ethernet 6-Port
module resides in the slot. Make sure this parameter is set to the appropriate
interface (A or B or A–F). The default is A.
MP Module
You need to configure this parameter only if the TFTP server is reachable
through an HSS port running PPP or a token ring port.
HSS port running PPP
If your boot source is reachable through an HSS port running PPP, you are
prompted to configure the following fields:
■ HSS Baud Rate
This setting must correspond to your serial line setting.
■ HSS Clock Source
Set this parameter appropriately (the default setting is external).
■ HSS Connector Type
Set this parameter to the connector that the server is reachable through
(the default is V.35).
■ HSS Protocol
Select PPP.
■ HSS WAN Password
Leave this field empty.