NETBuilder Security 6-23
Modifying SNMP
To enable SNMP read/write access, you need to modify two parameters in the
SNMP Service: COMmunity and MANager.
The COMmunity parameter is an SNMP Service parameter that modifies the list of
communities. For information on how to use the COMmunity parameter, refer to
Using NETBuilder Family Software and to Reference for NETBuilder Family
By default, the community name “ANYCOM” exists with read access to the
management information base (MIB) variables and allows unrestricted access to
the bridge/router. To ensure that access is available only to the proper system
administrator, 3Com recommends that you delete the “ANYCOM” community
name, and add the appropriate community string and the IP address of the
To modify SNMP parameters, follow these steps:
1 Delete the default community string “ANYCOM” by entering:
2 Configure at least one new community string with read/write access.
For example:
ADD -SNMP COMmunity “private” TRiv RW AL1
3 Add other community strings with read-only access as required.
For example:
ADD -SNMP COMmunity “public” TRiv RO AL1
4 Create a new manager with read/write access to the NETBuilder bridge/router. For
security reasons, limit the number of network management stations.
For example:
ADD -SNMP MANager “private” 255.255.0
5 Enable the SNMP service by entering:
SETDefault -SNMP CONTrol = (Manage, Trap)
NETBuilder Security NETBuilder security can be obtained many ways including limiting the access to a
particular network or by limiting the access to certain files. Limiting access to a
particular network can be accomplished by building Internet firewalls. Limiting
access to particular files can be accomplished by using certain commands and
Building Firewalls for
A firewall allows users inside a private network to have outbound access, while
restricting outside users from inbound access. For more conceptual information
about firewall and its capabilities, and details on how to configure firewalls, refer
to Using NETBuilder Family Software. For a description and syntax of the various
firewall service parameters, refer to Reference for NETBuilder Family Software.