Booting from a TFTP/FTP Server A-3
Setting Up a Unique
Configuration File
Directory on a
The NETBuilder II system accesses both configuration files and multiprocessor (MP)
images from a unique directory on the network management station using TFTP. MP
images (MP6e.29k or MPatm) are always in /TFTPboot/image/NBII/SW/<release>/FF.
Configuration files on the network management station exist only when the user
does a bcmbackup and they are always stored in the following directory:
To set up this unique directory, follow these steps:
1 For each NETBuilder II bridge/router, you must create a directory for these files
with appropriate read/write permissions.
For example, enter:
mkdir /tftpboot/configs/101/NBIICA
2 If your NETBuilder II bridge/router is using MP modules, you must copy these
images from the location on the network management station where they were
installed during the CD-ROM installation procedure.
These files are mp6e.29k and mpatm.29k. They reside in a default directory
represented by /tftpboot/image/NBII/SW/<version>/<pkg>.
For example, to use the 6-Port Ethernet module, enter:
cp /tftpboot/image/NBII/SW/101/FF/mp6e.29k
Setting the Primary
Boot Source
Set up the boot source to be a TFTP/FTP server accessed over a single Ethernet port
or FDDI port (FDDILink ports are not supported).
See Table A-1 for additional boot source parameter settings, such as those related
to booting over a token ring port, an HSS port using PPP, or a multiport Ethernet
To set the primary boot source, follow these steps:
1 From the NETBuilder monitor prompt, enter:
The System Configuration menu is displayed.
2 Select the Primary Boot Source option.
The Primary Boot Source menu is displayed.
3 Select the Boot Device option, and set the Boot Device to Network.
You are then prompted to set the slot number and boot filename.
4 Enter the slot number of the module that is used to reach your TFTP server.
If you have a 4-Slot chassis, your options are 1 through 4. If you have an 8-Slot
chassis, your options are 1 through 8.
5 Enter the boot filename by entering the directory path and filename relative to
the “tftpboot” directory where the CEC 20 boot image resides.
For example, enter:
6 Enter Q to return to the Primary Boot Source menu.