Port Error Analysis
Port Error Analysis
With the Port Statistics screen displayed, select the ERROR ANALYSIS
A typical Port Error Analysis screen is displayed as shown in
Figure 5-4
Figure 5-4
Port Error Analysis screen
The screen shows the following:
Port ID
The ID of the port you are currently managing.
CRC Align Errors
This counter is incremented by one for each frame
with an CRC error or an alignment error. A CRC occurs if a frame of
legal length has an invalid CRC and does not have a framing error. An
alignment error occurs if a frame has a CRC error and does not contain
an integral number of octets.
Alignment errors may be caused by a fault at the transmitting device.
Change the transceiver or adapter card of the device connected to the
port at the source of the problem. If this does not solve the problem,
check cables and connections for damage.